Cairns & Plaques
Cairns and Plaques
One of them is a monument or cairn commemorating the founding of the MacLeod settlement and unveiled on August 1st, 1965. It is situated on the Laggan-Glenelg Road, approximately 3-4 miles east of Highway 34.
There is also a plaque by the St-Andrews church in Williamston.
Click here to view the text of these plaques
Click here to see pictures of the 2012 cairn dedication
Stones of recognition have been mounted on the cairn in June 2012 and honor the following:

John D MacLeod
Clan visionnary
Founder of Glengarry Society
1936-07-04Kathleen (Kay)
Campbell & Gretta Macdonald
in loving memory
Dorothy Irvine
Good Friend
Kind Heart
Rod M & Cassie
Alex D & Helen
Lot 21, Con.7
John A. & Lottie MacLeod (D. W.)
Clan Members
Barbara (MacLeod) Armstrong
Natl Pres. 1994-2000
Devoted MacLeod
Kathleen (Kay)
MacLeod Desc.
Rod D.K & Nora B.Macleod
Frmed on this lot 18, Con .6
Helen (Dougal) MacLeod
Dedicated Clan Member
Kate Ann MacLeod-McCrimmon
Secretary Treasurer
1644-46 & 1956-58
Flora MacLeod Johnston
Alex and Ethel
Helen C MacLeod
Strong Supporter
Clan & John D
Madeleine McCrimmon
Historian and Author
John K & Annie
Harold & Karen MacLeod
Glengarry My Home
John W. MacLeod
(Billie D)
Sandy and Mable
Donna Cameron MacLeod
in loving memory
Doreen Howes
Once a MacLeod
Always a Macleod